The Jolly mommy

Confessions of an Online Shopping Addict

Jolly Mommy / 29th March, 2020 / Shopping

I'm a massive lover of home shopping. We have so many Amazon Prime orders delivered in a week I'm sure that the neighbours think that we have shares in the company. Nothing gives me greater joy than creating fantasy baskets that contain hundreds of pounds worth of shopping (usually clothing) knowing full well I will never click that final 'place order' button. Well a girl can dream....

As a busy mum to 4 children home food shopping is a must. I love the ability to edit my order at any time (even while on the toilet) adding the items I have forgotten . I'm the sort of person that "nips" to the shop for washing powder spends £50 and forgets the you guessed it washing powder. I call it my "super power" the inability to remember what I went to the shops for in the first place. Even if I spend £300 on a food shop you can guarantee I don't have everything and a little late night run out to shop is inevitable.

Doing the food shop online is usually an effortless task. We have the ability to choose from many of the online retailers that offer home delivery. We can gaze through their offers, meal plan all while enjoying a hot cup of tea....perfect. That was until this terrible Coranavirus hit the country. A once simple task has become HELL. I kid you not. IF you are lucky enough to get a slot that isn't 3 months in the future. I was only 195,000 in line the other day while waiting to get on to do my online shop. I had the cheek to go to bed and in the morning was told that I missed my slot, they only hold it for 10 minutes. SOLD OUT is displayed on nearly every item that you would normally add to your order. A limit of 2 or 3 on everyday items. As a family of 6 we can go through 10 cans of tinned tomatoes a week. Not at the moment they are like gold dust...I fear I may have to sell a kidney next week to fund finding some. I have heard terrible stories of people answering the door to their food shop and being greeted by the delivery driver who tells them that he has nothing for them NOTHING not even a tin of beans.

During these uncertain times we are left battling each other in virtual queues trying to get a delivery slot to swipe that last tin of tomatoes I'm sure in years to come it will be something we look back and laugh about. Asking for a friend anyone want to swap a roll of toilet roll for a tin of tomatoes x

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